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[济宁资讯] 春运期间济宁大安机场旅客吞吐量预计达15万人 同比增长17.9%

发表于 2025-1-17 10:42:12 |未经授权,严禁转载,违者必究... | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




During this year’s Spring Festival travel period, the passenger throughput of Jining Da’an Airport is expected to reach 150,000, a year-on-year increase of 17.9%. Starting from Jining, you can reach popular tourist cities such as Harbin, Hohhot, Xi'an, Taiyuan, Lanzhou, Chongqing, Chengdu, Changsha, Guangzhou, and Sanya. Jining Da'an Airport has coordinated with airlines to increase the number of round-trip flights between Guangzhou and Jining to two flights per day to meet the travel needs of passengers during the Spring Festival travel period.Faced with the superposition of the flow of family visits, work flow, student flow and tourism flow, Jining Daan Airport actively responds, while improving the convenience of route access, it also focuses on improving service quality. For specific passenger groups such as workers, students, and tourist groups, the airport has set up independent counters and optimized the process based on the characteristics of group travel to reduce waiting time in queues, allowing passengers to quickly complete the procedures and start their journey smoothly.Through bold reform and innovation, the airport has shortened the check-in deadline for passengers to 25 minutes before departure. It is the only airport in the province that has less than 30 minutes, leaving more ample time for passengers to check in.

发表于 2025-1-17 10:47:04 | 显示全部楼层
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