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已有 446 次阅读2009-11-12 18:48 |个人分类:狂奔的蜗牛|



  英文片名:Ugly Betty





  第一季 23集

  第二季 18集

  第三季 24集

  第四季 2009.10.09回归

  ABC决定将《丑女贝蒂》(Ugly Betty)第四季的首播时间推迟一个星期。新的首播日期为10月16日。

Society's preoccupation with beauty puts extra pressure on young people who are already busy trying to build a good career and enjoy life. Society says we have to be beautiful and slim if we want to be happy and successful. But do we? Does a pretty face and a good-looking body make you a better person? Better at your job? More important than someone who got hit with the ugly stick at birth and could afford to lose some weight? A hit TV show is certainly questioning our obsession with beauty. Ugly Betty, an American sitcom, is generating plenty of buzz with viewers around the world, notonly because it is smart, funny, and easy for viewers to identify with, but also because it highlights the problems with society's obsession with beauty, all in an easy to digest and amusing TV show.


  Betty Suarez ,the star of the show, has just graduated from college and is looking for a job. With good qualifications and references, intelligence, a warm personality, and low expectations, she should easily be able to find a good position in her chosen industry - magazine publishing. But after knocking on every door, she still can't find a job. When she finally lands a job interview at Mode - the most important fashion magazine in the country, she is practically thrown out because her appearance doesn't cut it. However, through a unique turn of events, she is eventually hired by owner Bradford Meade to be his son's assistant, purely due to the fact that she is unattractive - Bradford Meade knows his son certainly won't make any moves on her, so he might finally get some work done.


  Betty suffers all of the usual problems many of us suffer when starting a new job - working out how to fit in with her co-workers, trying to dress appropriately, and trying to make some new friends. However Betty's situation is exacerbated by the fact that almost all of her coworkersonly care about appearances. With Betty's poor dress sense and "ugliness", she becomes the laughing stock of the company, as well as a target for mean pranks and nasty jokes.


  Somehow, Betty manages to walk with her head held high and focus on what she's there to do - help her boss run the magazine, while also managing to foil attempts by her co-workers to make him fail so they can take over. Betty's confidence comes from deep in her heart - she has loving family members who care much more about looking after each other and focusing on the positive things in their life rather than worrying about superficial things such as appearance. It's this support from her family that helps her through her most difficult times.


  While reluctant to have such an "ugly" assistant at first, Daniel Meade slowly starts to realise that he can't survive without Betty. New to the job himself, and with others in the company waiting gleefully for him to fail, Daniel needs all the help he can get, and Betty has great ideas and knows how to get things done. While she may not be beautiful to look at, Betty certainly is useful around the office.

最后由 pengyunsky 于 2009-11-06 14:03:21编辑

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