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【Stable Diffusion】再来个姑娘!

 楼主| 发表于 2023-6-27 18:30:18 |未经授权,严禁转载,违者必究... | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
文生图:3 X1 f3 j0 }$ }, T) s9 E
Young and beautiful, girl, ancient princess, noble and generous, elegant and elegant, pure and elegant, childlike voice like water, hands like soft catkins, skin like curd, collar like fresh and white, teeth like rhinoceros, crested eyebrows, charming smile and beautiful eyes, white skin like snow, long hair, old architectural background, Xanadu, Hanfu, devil figure
; U4 a- m/ g. I4 X) m9 O/ D$ H+ O0 _: W0 N2 a

3 f& F4 H% z3 p" U$ h: i7 t反向提示词:
9 V6 w9 J9 o2 n# C) \) A! b(worst quality, low quality:1.4), (loli, child, infant, baby:1.3), (pen:1.3), (pencil:1.4), (fuze:1.4) ,watermark, artist name, multiple view,variation, animal, dolphin, more fingers,nsfw, nude,(muscle:1.2), (latex:1.2), (pen:1.3), (pencil:1.3), (belt:1.3),(animal:1.3),(nipple:1.3), (light:1.2),(muscle:1.2), (denim:1.2), (latex:1.2),(gloves:1.3)
: y& D& U0 [9 n9 X8 g& b8 V$ U4 }$ x9 J9 ?1 [+ q
9 o. ]1 T1 g; o; k- n$ g& w
DPM++2M Karras
1 \' N. \* u3 g) d/ g+ a4 S
! {* v# u: r' x512*768: I, X( H* F/ ~" U1 O% ]- Y

% ?/ v* k* w# ^" y/ D3 u7 F9 E  C# D4 U- j4 p: A5 N
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; X& Y0 u& K1 l
. c) l3 x1 w5 F 00051-2946764685-Young and beautiful, girl, ancient princess, noble and generous.png
. l: {9 a# Y$ f
( N" I0 A2 V' k8 Q7 f( i' I! ?! N) P
0 }: C7 `' P  Y( x1 R6 j, A
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