...声远导读:桑之未:8月客流开始恢复正增长,豪华车市场开始温和反弹,客流 桑之未:8月客流开始恢复正增长,豪华车市场开始温和反弹,客流:客流,管内客流,什么是客流,什么是大客流,怎么引客流,引客流,如何增加客流,管内客流图,客流什么意思... |
撰稿人 / 桑之未
汽车流通行业分析师 | 中国汽车流通协会专家委员会成员
(This article is attached with English translation)
链接 8月美国豪华车市场增长5.5%
▼ 奔驰(含smart)
8月,奔驰经销商开始清理库存,奔驰“800年款”车型逐步开始铺货,“800年款”车型改进车机系统,增加远程控车功能;8月,中期改款的GLC上市,本月GLC经销商零售销量突破1.2万辆,同比增长16.8%,奔驰C级同比增长13.8%,达到1.43万辆,宝马3系销量爬坡,有利于奔驰C级抢占市场份额,但奔驰C级折扣下探较多。中大型SUV GLE本月销量达到2200辆左右同比增长41.8%,经过销量爬坡,GLE销量恢复到正常的量,并且零售价格比较稳定。奔驰E级本月销量突破1.3万,增长7.3%。
▼ 宝马 (含mini)
8月, 宝马品牌新车均价维持在39.1万元左右,环比上涨0.58万;新车折扣环比减少0.6个点,老款3系清库结束,有助于宝马折扣率提升;经销商客流增长14%,截止8月份经销商库存深度在1.3左右;8月市占率为22.4%,环比下滑1个点。
8月,宝马新3系仍处在爬坡阶段,本月零售在0.3万辆左右;宝马5系零售1.47万辆,宝马X3零售0.99万辆,宝马X1零售达0.93万辆,1系同比增长25.4%,宝马通过调整产品销量,以弥补新3系销量缺口。假设宝马3系今年销量与去年持平,新3系需要在第四季度单月销量攀升至万辆才能达标,这使得新3系在后几个月销售压力增加,9月开始新3系零售价格已经开始大幅度下探,北京零售折扣10%左右,已经贴近返利水平;部分经销商价格下探至13%上下;目前宝马3系的325Li首发版与325Li M运动套装占3系销量的66%,随着320低功率版以及330的推出,3系产品线会进一步丰富,对其销量提升也有很大的帮助;不过当前新3系的客流不是很乐观,正是客流少,导致新3系零售价格不断下探。宝马经销商另一个销售压力较大的车型是7系,目前销售进度较慢,如果年末月销量要达2000辆/月,零售价格压力还是比较大的。
▼ 奥迪
8月, 奥迪品牌新车均价维持在30.2万元左右,环比上涨1.98万;新车折扣环比增加0.3个点,其中奥迪A6L、奥迪Q5L折扣下探较多;经销商客流增长16%,截止8月份经销商库存深度在1.3左右;8月市占率为22.3%,环比增加1.4个点。
8月, 奥迪经销商零售销量环比增加10.9%,增幅高于奔驰、宝马;奥迪“三大+两小”车型销量走势恢复以往趋势,奥迪Q5L销量环比增长15.2%达到1.3万辆,奥迪A6L销量环比增长10.4%达到1.1万辆,加上奥迪A4L本月销量1.3万,奥迪三款主要车型销量均稳定在万辆以上;奥迪Q3、A3两款车型本月销量在7000辆上下,其中奥迪Q3环比增长53.7%。
▼ 凯迪拉克
8月, 凯迪拉克品牌新车均价维持在30.5万元左右,环比上涨1.4万;新车折扣接近20个点;截止8月份经销商库存深度在1.3左右;8月市占率为5.5%,环比增加0.6个点。
8月,凯迪拉克品牌销售车型中SUV的销量已经占比78%,其中XT5、XT4两款车型最为重要,接近9200多辆;新款6座SUV XT6开始销售,折扣5个点左右,初期销量维持在900多辆左右;以往的销售主力车型XTS和ATS-L销量维持在800辆左右。8月凯迪拉克客流环比增长较快,但是成交量较低,主要是前期5折清库吸引众多消费者,到店后观望情绪较浓,凯迪拉克过高的折扣损害品牌,也削弱了品牌的竞争力。
▼ 捷豹路虎
▼ 沃尔沃
▼ 保时捷
▼ 林肯
▼ 英菲尼迪
▼ 玛莎拉蒂
▼ 讴歌
8月,特斯拉销量近2893辆,其中Model 3销售近2240台,ModelX销售514台,Model S销售近140台;前8个月累计销量2.54万辆,同比增长109%。
版权声明:本文系@桑之未 #原创首发# 转载或改编请与本人沟通,如有任何侵权行为,侵权者将承担相应的法律责任。2019-09-22
★ 豪华车月度报告:
★ 高层领导专访:
对话保时捷严博禹:三管齐下布局未来 全新Taycan预订令人满意
对话奔驰段建军:上半年销售稳中求进 推出《服务公约》再造服务流程
★ 行业热点分析:
从“车盖女神”到“4S店车闹” 过度维权恐得不偿失
大众首提股比提升 奔驰、丰田跟进通用、福特暂无计划
Sang Zhiwei: Showroom traffic began to recover in August. Luxury car market began to rebound.
Written by / Sang Zhiwei
Insight into the Chinese Luxury Car Market
Report | Data | Consulting
Keywords:Luxury car market, Sales volume of dealer, Market share,Average selling price,Discountrate
This is the 8th luxury car market analysis report in 2019. The previous report can be obtained through the bottom menu "Monthly Report", thank you for your support!
In August, the total retail sales of automobiles was 305.2 billion, down 0.1% MoM and down 8.1% YoY. The total retail sales of luxury cars was 95.1 billion, up 4.3% MoM and down 13.3% YoY, accounting for 31.1% up by 1.3%. From the perspective of revenue, the rebound of luxury cars began to resume growth. The decline in total retail sales of luxury cars this month was mainly due to the decline in sales of imported cars.
In the first eight months of this year, the sales volume of domestic passenger car dealers was 14.27 million, down 1.7% YoY. The total retail sales was 2,512.3 billion RMB, down 0.5% YoY. The dealer retail sales of 20 luxury brands in the first 8 months were 2.024 million. The YoY growth rate was 11%. The total retail sales of luxury cars was 799.2 billion with an increase of 3% YoY. Luxury car retail sales continued to grow.
In August, the domestic retail sales of passenger car dealers was 1.55 million, down 19.6% YoY and up 9.8% MoM. Among them, the dealer retail sales of 20 luxury brand were 246,000, down 7.5% YoY, mainly due to the decline in import sales. In August, more than 10,000 luxury cars were sold than in July. After sales reached the lowest in July, the market began to rebound. This trend is similar to previous years.
In June this year, affected by clearance of national V emission standard inventory models, the retail discount of imported cars was large. Customers consumed in advance, and the sales volume of imported cars reached 97,000 in June, up 48% Yoy. Last year, the tariffs on automobiles were reduced, which boosted the sales in last July and August. In July this year, imported car sales fell 17.7% YoY, and fell 25% in August with Lexus (-5.8%), Porsche (- 19.8%), Lincoln (-38.1%), Maserati (-57.5%) and other import-oriented brands have a greater impact. It is expected that the sales of imported cars will pick up in September.
▼August luxury car showroom traffic began to resume growth, dealer inventory remained in a reasonable range
In August, the overall discount of luxury car market fell by 0.41%. The overall market price pressure was relatively high. After the inventory was cleared in June, OEMs began to gradually reduce the rebate support. The rebate in August decreased by 0.35%. With the improvement of showroom traffic in August, the average transaction price of the market began to rise. In August, the sales volume of the luxury car market increased by 4.4%, driving the overall market price of luxury cars to 385,000 RMB, up 2,600 RMB. And the sales profit of new dealers increased by 0.02%. the overall market began to be mild rebound.
In June, after clearance of national V emission standard inventory, dealer inventory and manufacturers inventory returned to a lower level, which is more favorable for the second half of wholesale. In August luxury car overall market inventory depth increased by 0.07%. The overall inventory maintained at around 1.4. The inventory is within reasonable range. Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi and other dealer inventory remained at around 1.3, lower than the industry average. Showroom traffic began to resume positive growth this month. Domestic-oriented brands had faster recovery on showroom traffic. Imported-oriented brands recovery were relatively slow, Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Cadillac showroom traffic growth of more than 10%. Lincoln, Porsche showroom traffci increased less.
▼August mid-sized, compact luxury SUV maintains more than 10% growth
In August, the luxury SUV market grew by 4.5%, of which the mid-sized SUV market segment grew by 13.4%. ABB's three products all maintained sales of more than 10,000, which greatly reduced the living space of second-tier luxury brands in this market. And this situation will continue in the future. Second-tier luxury brands need to adjust products and pricing to avoid the conflict with ABB. Driven by BMW X1, Volvo XC40, Cadillac XT4 and other models, the compact SUV segment market growth of 18.8%. Medium and large SUV market segment fell by 32.1%. ABB's three main products were all due to the stage of model upgrading sales stage.
In August, the luxury sedan market fell by 17.6%, of which the mid-sized sedan segment fell by 25.2%, mainly because BMW 3 Series was in the sales claming stage and the sales volume was lower. The segment of the medium and large car segment fell by 14.4%. With the sales of the Audi A6L gradually recovering to more than 10,000. This market segment will resume growth.
▼ Luxury car market accounted for 15.9%, down 0.8% MoM
In the retail sales dimension of dealers, the luxury car market share was 15.9%, down 0.8% MoM. Mercedes-Benz dealer retail market share was 26%, unchanged MoM. BMW was with 22.4% market share in second place, fell by 1%, mainly due to the replacement of BMW's new 3 Series. Audi's market share of 22.3% increased by 1.4%, of which the sales of Audi Q5L and Audi A6L increased, driving the market share to rise.
▼10 city passenger car sales increased by 10% MoM. luxury car sales increased by 4%
In August, the sales volume of passenger cars in ten regional central cities in China was 381,000 with an increase of 10% MoM. Among them, the sales volume of luxury cars was 85,000 with an increase of 4% MoM. Except Xi’an, the other nine cities resumed growth. The sales volume of the central and second-tier cities in the east is higher than that of first-tier cities and western cities. The first-tier cities are subject to purchase restrictions, and the consumption potential cannot be released. From January to August, the cumulative sales volume of cities with sales growth of more than 10% are Chengdu, Chongqing, Zhengzhou, Suzhou, and Hangzhou. If OEMs have strong sales distribution in central cities of the eastern region, they can keep up with the pace of sales growth of luxury cars.
( 10 cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Chongqing, Zhengzhou, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Xi'an)
Link US luxury car market grew by 5.5% in August
In August, the sales volume of 10 luxury brands in the United States was 154,000, with a YoY increase of 5.5%. Among them, Mercedes-Benz increased by 25.16% YoY, and the sales volume was 30,144. The monthly sales volume ranked first, mainly driven by new car sales. Lexus sales were 29,931 with an increase of 4.57%, ranked second. BMW sales of 25,505, with an increase of 7.21%, ranking third. Audi sales in the United States was 21,531, with an increase of 2.98%.
▼ Mercedes-Benz (including smart)
In August, the average price of Mercedes-Benz brand new cars remained at about 443,000 RMB, up 6,500RMB MoM. The new car discount increased by 1%. The showroom traffic increased by 11%. The dealer inventory depth was around 1.3 in August. The market share was 26%, unchanged MoM.
In August, Mercedes-Benz dealers began to clear inventory, Mercedes-Benz "800-year" models gradually began to spread, "800-year" models improved car system, added remote control functions. In August, the mid-term facelift GLC launched. The monthly dealer sales volume of GLC exceeded 12,000, up 16.8% YoY. The Mercedes-Benz C-Class increased by 13.8% YoY to reach 14,300. The BMW 3 Series sales climbed, which is conducive to Mercedes-Benz's market share, but Mercedes-Benz had to face more discounts. The sales volume of medium and large SUVs GLE this month reached 2,200, an increase of 41.8%. After sales climbed, GLE sales returned to normal pace, and retail prices were relatively stable. Mercedes-Benz E-class sales exceeded 13,000 this month with an increase of 7.3%.
▼BMW (including mini)
In August, the average price of new BMW brand cars remained at around 391,000 RMB with an increase of 5,800 MoM. The discount rate of new cars decreased by 0.6%. The old 3 series closed warehouse clearance, which increased the discount rate of brand. The showroom traffic increased by 14%. In August, the inventory depth of dealers was around 1.3. The market share was 22.4%, down 1% MoM.
In August, BMW 3 Series is still in the climbing stage. The retail sales this month is about 3,000. The BMW 5 Series retails 14,700. The BMW X3 retails 9,900. And the BMW X1 retails reaches 9,300. BMW adjust the sales of products to compensate for the new 3 Series sales gap. Assume that the BMW 3 Series' sales this year are the same as last year, the new 3 Series needs to climb to 10,000 in the fourth quarter to reach the target. This will increase the sales pressure of the new 3 Series in the next few months New 3 Series retail price in September has begun to drop sharply. Beijing retail discount is about 10%, which is close to the rebate level. Some dealers' prices have dropped to 13%. The BMW 3 Series 325Li first release and 325Li M sports package account for 66% of the 3 series sales. With the introduction of the 320 low-powered version and New 330, the 3 series product line will be further enriched, which will greatly help the sales increase. However, the current 3 series showroom traffic is not very optimistic, which resulting in the new 3 series retail price continue to drop. Another BMW sales force is the 7-series model. The current sales progress is slow. If the sales volume target is at the end of the year is 2000/month, the retail price pressure is still relatively large.
In August, the average price of the Audi brand new car remained at around 302,000RMB with an increase of 19,800RMB MoM. The new car discount increased by 0.3%, of which the Audi A6L and the Audi Q5L contributed most. The showroom traffic increased by 16% in August. The inventory depth is around 1.3. The market share is 22.3% with an increase of 1.4% MoM.
In August, the retail sales of Audi dealers increased by 10.9%, which was higher than that of Mercedes-Benz and BMW. The sales trend of Audi's “three big + two small” models resumed the current trend. Audi Q5L sales increased by 15.2% MoM to 13,000. Audi A6L sales increased by 10.4% MoM to 11,000. And the Audi A4L sold 13,000 this month. The sales of Audi's three major models were stable at more than 10,000. The Audi Q3 and A3 models sold 7,000 this month, of which Audi Q3 increased by 53.7%.
In August, the average price of new Cadillac brand cars remained at around 305,000 RMB, up 14,000 MoM. The discount on new cars was close to 20%. The inventory depth of dealers in the previous 8 months was around 1.3. The market share was 5.5% with an increase of 0.6% MoM.
In August, sales of SUVs in the Cadillac brand accounted for 78%, of which XT5 and XT4 were most important, nearly 9,200. The new 6-seat SUV XT6 began to sell, with a discount of about 5%. And it contributed more than 900. The previous sales of the main models XTS and ATS-L sales maintained at around 800. In August Cadillac showroom traffic growth faster, but the transaction is lower, mainly due to early 50% clearance attracted too many consumers to store which cause strong wait-and-see mood. Cadillac excessive discount damages the brand and weakens the brand's competitiveness.
In August, the number of retailers of Lexus dealers was 17,000, down 5.8% YoY and up 2.3% MoM. In August market share was 7.2%, down 0.1% MoM. Lexus ES sales increased 31%. The sales were low the same period last year with supply problems.
▼ Jaguar Land Rover
In August, the dealer sales of Jaguar Land Rover were 7,800, down 9.6% MoM. The inventory depth was 1.5. The market share was 3.6%.
In August, the dealer retail volume of Volvo was 12,000, a YoY increase of 0.8% and a decrease of 4.5% MoM. In the first eight months, the cumulative dealer sales volume was 95,000, a YoY increase of 20.9%. The market share in August was 5%, down 0.4% MoM.
In August, the dealer retail volume of Porsche were 6,900, down 19.8% YoY and down 2.5% MoM. The cumulative dealer sales volume in the first 8 months was 58,000, up 27.4% YoY. The market share in August was 2.8%, down 0.2% MoM.
In August, the dealer retail sales of Lincoln were 3,600, down 38% YoY and down 5.5% MoM. In the first 8 months, the cumulative dealer sales volume was 33,000, down 9.2% YoY. The market share in August was 1.5%, down 0.2% MoM.
In August, the dealer retail sales of Infiniti were 3,000, down 26.3% YoY. The cumulative dealer sales volume in the first 8 months was 27,000, up 4.7% YoY. The market share in August was 1.3%, down 0.1% MoM.
In August, Maserati dealers sold 410, down 26.3% YoY and 4.6% MoM. In the first eight months, dealers sold 6,000, down 15.7% YoY.
In August, the dealer retail sales of Acura were 760, down 3.3% YoY and 7.3% MoM. The cumulative dealer sales volume in the first 8 months was 9,500, up 66% YoY.
In August, Tesla sold nearly 2,893, of which Model 3 sold nearly 2,240, Model X sold 514, and Model S sold nearly 140. In the first eight months, the cumulative sales volume was 25,400, a YoY increase of 109%.
In August, Nio sold 1954 and accumulated sales of 10,243 in the first eight months.
copyright statement: This article is anoriginal article published by Sang Zhiwei for the first time. For reproduction or adapting, please communicate with the author. In case of any infringement, the infringer will bear the corresponding legal responsibilities. Sept. 22th, 2019, Beijing.
Sales and discount rate all landed in July. The luxury car market is about to rebound
The luxury car market resumed double-digit growth in 2019H1. Dealers’ profit increased under the support of subsidy from OEMs.
Luxury car market returned to double-digit growth in May. OEMs increased subsidy to clear inventory with national V emission standard. Customer flow recovered to positive growth.
...百度一下:桑之未:8月客流开始恢复正增长,豪华车市场开始温和反弹 声远论坛 + 大济宁 关注的[车友茶座]... |